5 Reasons Why It's Time to Get a Hobby

I’m always shocked when people tell me they don’t have a creative hobby of some kind. Because I’ve always had a hobby and, believe me, the benefits of having one are tenfold.

There are so many fun things to do outside of work that aren’t your chores (ugh, laundry) and Netflix. And that don’t require you to leave your house!

The good news is you can jump into a new creative hobby literally whenever you want.

But first, I want share # reasons that creative hobbies are one of the best things to integrate into your life.

#1: Relaxation

Many creative hobbies come to life with your hands. And there is something so calming and relaxing about creating something out of supplies.

Give yourself permission to have a hobby that calms you after a long day.

And if you can do it without screens, your sleep cycle will thank you!

#2: Joy

Let’s be honest, there is a lot happening in the world that can get you down. But there is joy in the process of creative hobbies that can bring you back down to earth and into your body.

Creating something for you or someone else is both joyful and meditative.

Joy is something that you have to seek out sometimes. It’s fleeting, ya know?

I’m always on the hunt to find more joy in the everyday. And one of those ways is hobbies.

Brené Brown says, “Joy comes to us in moments—ordinary moments. We risk missing out on joy when we get too busy chasing down the extraordinary.”

Don’t get too busy to enjoy ordinary moments.

#3: Less Screen Time

I’m always striving to find something that helps me put my phone down more. 

I spend all day working at a computer. You probably do, too.

So the last thing I need to do is end my day only to sit in front of another screen doing absolutely nothing for a few more hours.

That’s why I love different creative hobbies. Even ones that I can do while I catch up on my shows!

#4: Learn to Fail

One of the best things about creative hobbies is that you are bound to have some absolutely epic fails. 

Ugly paintings, uneven rows in a knitting project, and massive baking fails are definitely going to occur at some point.

But every time I fail at something new, it’s a reminder that I get be a beginner. I not only am allowed to fail, I actively give myself permission to do so.

Because the worst that can happen is I have an ugly painting or my final product just isn’t quite there yet.

When you give yourself permission to fail and try again in your hobby, you start to give yourself permission to fail forward in life.

And that’s extremely powerful.

#5: Share or Keep it to Yourself

There is a culture of side hustles going around these days. And if someone hasn’t told you this, let me be the first:


If you want to keep your little hobby to yourself and have it be your little secret: DO IT.

If you want to share it with the world because you’ve found something you love: DO IT.

But you don’t have to create a side hustle or business from your hobby if that is something you really don’t want.


Creative hobbies are an absolutely incredible way to bring more relaxation and joy to your life.

Learning to be okay with failure and decreasing your screen time? I guess those are pretty darn good, too!

Do you have a hobby already? No? What do you think you might try? Tell me the hobby you are most excited to dive into in the comments below!


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