Pear Soda for Fall

One of the major marks of fall here in the midwest is the constant swing between hot scorching days and frost filled night.

And so with that comes the need for both hot and cold fall-flavored drinks. I love a good hot chocolate or mulled cider but when it’s 86F outside in October it’s the last thing you want to drink!

Now, I drink ice tea for most of the year, but as fall sets in all I want is something refreshing with a hint of fall seasonal flavors.

I had a soda syrup phase a few years ago. I made any fruit I could get my hands on into a syrup to put into fizzy water like LaCroix or Waterloo.

With a soda syrup, you get to control the ingredients of the syrup and how much of it goes into your drink, so it’s perfect for mocktails, cocktails and everyday sipping!

My fall flavor of choice this time: Pears.

Pears are mild in flavor yet sweet and perfect with unflavored fizzy water. Let’s make it!

Supplies and Tools

  • Small saucepan

  • Peeler

  • Cutting board

  • Knife

  • Measuring cups

  • Fine mesh sieve

  • Cheesecloth

  • Liquid measuring cup or bowl


  • Peel

  • Cut

  • Boil

  • Measure

  • Pour


  • 3 ripe pears

  • 1 cup, white sugar

  • 1 cup, water


  1. Using your peeler, remove the skins from the pears.

  2. Cut and core the pears then cut into chunks.

  3. Place the water, sugar, and pears into the saucepan.

  4. Put onto the stove and turn the burner to medium-high.

  5. Bring to a boil and let boil for 15-20 minutes, mashing the pears a few times while cooking.

  6. Once the cooking time is up, remove from heat. Place a few layers of cheesecloth in the mesh sieve over a bowl.

  7. Pour the contents of the saucepan through the sieve.

  8. The liquid remaining is your soda syrup!

  9. Now, in a glass filled with ice, pour in 1-2 Tablespoons of the syrup followed by your unflavored fizzy water. Enjoy!

Looking for a recipe for something but can’t quite find one you’ve liked? Describe what you’re looking for in the comments and I’ll put it on my list of recipes to develop!


Butternut Squash Soup


Fall Sausage Balls